Sunday, July 03, 2011

By The Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead

Now before you go all panicky, it's just the title of the book by Julie Ann Peters...

By The Time You Read
This, I'll Be Dead
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Which was an intriguing read with a well-written flow. Got me turning pages and I even caught myself smiling even though the story line is about a girl contemplating suicide. Daelyn had had many failed attempts - her last attempt left her with damaged vocal cords - until she found this website, Through-the-Light, that thinks it is your right to take your own life if you must. Each member is assigned an ID and the "Date of Determination" is always 23 days from the day you signed up. Thus each chapter of the book is headed with a countdown; X days to D-Day.

Felt shudders at times especially when reading about the "Ways To Go". Each of the methods and means are rated to indicate the level of pain, availability and effectiveness. Did you know it would be better to use a razor-sharp knife rather than a razor-sharp blade? "Because it is difficult to hold when covered in blood...."
[Guess readers would have some options if ever a need arise? *touch wood!]

There's also the Final Forum section where the Jane and John Does share their pain and experiences. Above all, it threw a light on why some of us would go for a premature way out.

And bullying kills. I must say that well-known phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is kinda crap now. Because words can often be sharper than swords and they seriously cut DEEP.

When one has suicidal thoughts and somehow someone appears in their lives right at that moment, will it save them and help them see things in a different perspective? That there might actually be hope afterall? Daelyn met Santana. But is it too late?
So in the end, did she or did she not?
For you to find out...

My Rating:

8 tots:

soohuey said...

hey, do u know anyone who have tried suicide? i know people who have depression and/or are suicidal. its quite intense...

i would love to read this book, and others u have reviewed, but i haven't been reading for some months and now i've got quite a list of books i wanna read! dunno when only can read this :S

Catherine said...

i've heard and seen scars of people who cut themselves or "carved" their bfs names onto their arms [during skooldays]...not sure if those were suicidal but they were pretty scary sights

i've seen people who had depression and yes, pretty gotta keep watch of them fearing what they might do when you are not looking...but I'm glad they managed to overcome it :)

but i've never encountered bullying-suicidal cases. I think our skool didn't really have such extreme bullying, thankfully...

haha never too late to start picking up a book and read..i've got lots in queue as well!

sippingsoda said...

the only one who can actually turn things around will be herself, by her own will (or whatever that's still left). because if the person she depends on were to hurt her, that's it. goodbye.

Catherine said...

true..but perhaps still need that someone to help them see the light and then it all depends on themselves after..

Soo Huey said...

i haven't read the book, but i know that when a person is trapped in (whatever state u wanna call it that would lead a person to seriously consider suicide), it is almost impossible for anyone to help them see the light. it takes a very strong n wise person to help them see anything. thats when professional help comes in handy.

i agree with Cindy K that the only one who can turn things around will be herself, by her own will. no one else can do it for her.

and if the person she depends on were to hurt her... unless other people are around to buffer, then memang that's it.

often 'feel good' stories or even stories that are supposed to open your eyes will use stories of people who have been "rescued" through the support of their friends/family. but it is equally possible that your friends/family may abandon you or won't realise your situation at your moment of greatest need...

haha! but not sure if u will really understand what i'm talking about :).

Dandelion said...

interesting title..and yes, it somehow drew me to ur blog review and i'm quite curious to know what is it about.
After going thru the review, personally i found it rather little bit too intense for my liking.. :P "Ways To Go"?? "..methods and means are rated to indicate the level of pain, availability and effectiveness"?? gosh!! so in the end, did she or did she not? do tell me! :P
ohh yea, nice swiss blade drawings u have there..summore it has ur initials in it. i bet no one really noticed that..hah! kekeke :P

Catherine said...

haha i understand what you are saying, shuey..and yes i agree..
so it really is up to the person..but when they are already at that state they cant even change their own minds.

so if ppl dun notice that and extend help somewhat, its also memang that's it...

at the end of the day, its a pretty bad situation to be in...

Catherine said...

dandelion, you should read the book yourself to find out..i can't be giving spoilers now, can i? :P

and thank you for noticing that sketch after i kinda mentioned it to you! *blueks

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