More interesting trivias ...
Did you know...?
1) Heating coal in the absence of air produces coal gas, used for lighting, and coke, which was used for heating homes. Coke, almost entirely composed of carbon, burns with little smoke but gives out a steady, intense heat.
2) London's air was notoriously bad, as the soot from the countless coal fires blackened exterior
walls and discolored the shawls of women who ventured outside. With severe cases of smog during the 19th century (also nicknamed as "pea-soupers",) it is not suprising that one's health can be affected to the extend of moving to the countryside for cleaner air. This was the reason William's father gave to his wife so that she would moved to the countryside though in actual, there was a more egoistic reason behind the permanent move.
6) India was ruled by the British from 1858 to 1947, as part of the British Empire. Queen Victoria was given the title of "Empress of India" by an act of
Parliament, and by 1890 there were 20,000 Britons living in India. However, they resolutely kept to Victorian dress code, despite the hot climate, determined not to adopt "primitive" Indian ways. The spirited Monica, Elanor's sister, on the other hand, had "gone native" when she got to know Hakim, an Indian prince staying at the Jones estate, and who mode of transport around the city was atop an elephant, accompanied by 4 Indian lady escorts. Hakim too had a thing for Emma once ;) (in the First Act of Emma) but he was also the one who encouraged William to not give up Emma.
To be continued... =þ
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