Updated: LOL yeah, dun think bigger is better here actually. Anyway was just a confusion of the comments :P
Hmm..received a comment to post larger image so let's give it a try :P
Is bigger better?
3 weeks ago
Updated: LOL yeah, dun think bigger is better here actually. Anyway was just a confusion of the comments :P
Hmm..received a comment to post larger image so let's give it a try :P
Is bigger better?
There, Miso Soup ready to go! ^_^
Being a vet means you have to know what constitute to a low, normal, or high respiration rate / temperature for each animal...and mind you, not all animals have the same normal bpm either.
Get your hands dirty, do the fecal test i.e collecting the faeces for testing, as well as urine..
Sometimes all the animal needs is some pills..
Othertimes you might be ask what type of meds to provide ..should it be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, deworming, pain relief, sedative or etc?Case of the ingrown claw. We'll need to trim the claw and remove it using a forcep. However, we're not done just yet, there's still the wound to take care of.